

Battle of Ranthambore 1299

Battle of Ranthambore 1299
The Battle of Ranthambore was fought between the forces of Allauddin Khilji and Hammiradeva (Hammir Dev Chauhan) on the banks of river Banas. Sultan of Delhi, Allauddin Khilji’s army was led by Nusrat Khan and Ulugh Khan and Rajput army was led by Hammir Dev Chauhan the last king of the Chahamana (Chauhan) dynasty. The battle was fought in the year 1299.


Hammir Dev Chauhan descendant of Prithviraj Chauhan. Brave Rajput king Hammiradeva annexed Malwa, Abu and Mandalgarh and continued extending his kingdom to the chagrin of Delhi Sultan, Jalaluddin Khilji. Because of misgivings about Hammiradeva's intentions Jalaluddin Khilji tried to conquer Ranthambore and attacked Hammir Dev Chauhan in 1290. But Hammira defeated Jalaludin's forces and sent them back from Ranthambore and Jalaluddin returned to Delhi unsuccessfully.
Later in 1296, Allauddin Khilji murdered Jalaludin and crowned himself as the new Sultan of Delhi. In 1297 Allauddin sent an army under the generalship of Ulugh Khan and Nusrat Khan to plunder Gujarat, This army looted the Rudra Mahalaya and Somnath temples and its Shivalinga was broken into pieces. The broken pieces of shivalinga were being carried back to Delhi. On their way to Delhi Kanhad Dev Songara, ruler of Jalore attacked them with the help of Muhammad Shah, a neo-Muslim general in Khilji's army and defeated them. Kanhad Dev Songara brought all the broken pieces of Shivalinga which was washed in Gangajal and were established in various temples of Jalore.
During Kanhad Dev Songara attack on Ulugh Khan and Nusrat Khan, neo-Muslims Muhammad Shah, Kamru, Yalchak and Barq attampted to assassinate Ulugh Khan but failed. Hence they reached HammiraDeva at Ranthambore and asked for shelter and protection from future Khilji’s attacts on them. Under these circumstances, Hammira was justified in winning over Allauddin's enemies to his side.
After escaping from the attack of neo Muslims Ulugh Khan went to Allauddin and apprised him about the attack. Later the Muslim governors tried to negotiate with HammiraDeva and demanded to turn out the neo Muslims to Sultan Allauddin Khilji along with 10,000 gold coins, 300 horses, 4 elephants and the hand of Hammira’s daughter Devaladevi. But HammiraDeva was too self respecting to make such a disgraceful compromise. He then rejected it saying "when the Rajputs promised to protect someone, they even gave their lives for his safety." This raised as the main cause for the Battle.
Angered Sultan ordered Ulugh Khan and Nusrat Khan to attack HammiraDeva and siege the Ranthambore.


In 1299 Ulugh Khan and Nusrat Khan started out with 80,000 cavalry and a large infantry to attack HammiraDeva. HammiraDeva prepared his army to repulse the attack of Sultan. Both the armies met on the banks of river Banas.
HammiraDeva along with his army fought bravely and got upper hand in the Battle.  Nusrat Khan was killed in Battle. Finally, HammiraDeva won the battle. Ulugh Khan escaped and reached the sultan of Delhi.

After the battle (Siege of Ranthambore)

Sultan Allauddin Khilji was back stepped by this defeat and made his preparations to take the revenge. He then finally appeared in 1301 at Ranthambore, and there was a long siege. HammiraDeva was very well prepared, but famine was a big problem to him. Some unscrupulous officers of HammiraDeva, with Bhoj Dev as their leader, colluded with Allaudin and started giving him secret information about the fort and famine. When the fort did not fall after continuous attacks, Sultan took the advantage of famine and resorted to diplomacy. HammiraDeva was very suspicious and made a meeting with his councillors who told him, “Sword is not always the Best Recourse”. He heeded his councillors and sent two of his army generals (Ratipal and Ranmal) to the sultan’s camp to discuss. Sultan won over confidence of the two generals and bribed them. Both the generals along with Bhoj Dev joined Sultan’s camp and revealed secretes of HammiraDeva and Ranthambore fort. And Sultan declared the war. HammiraDeva was killed died in the war and his army was scattered.  The female members of the Rajput kingdom committed jauhar and gave up lives on the pyres. Along with HammiraDeva, brave Viram, the lord of Champa, Taka Gangadhara, Parmar Kshetrasinha, Rajda and Simha werekilled in the war. Consequently, Ranthambore was fell on July 10, 1301 to the Sultan of Delhi, Allauddin Khilji.
After the words of Brave Rajput King Hammir Dev Chauhan "when the Rajputs promised to protect someone, they even gave their lives for his safety." 
People stated to sing a folk song (Till date) as follows:
Singh Suwan supurush bachan kadahi falai ek bar,Tiriya tel Hamir nath chadie na duji bar.
Only once the banana bears the fruit, wise man promises once, once only does a lioness whelp. And once if a Rajput takes a vow, he never withdraws.

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