

Salisuka Maurya - Third successor king after Ashoka Maurya

Salisuka Maurya was one of the post-Ashokan rulers of mauryan empire. He was the successsor of Samprati Maurya while no information is available about how Salisuka succeeded Samprati to become Mauryan emperor. His name was testified by Vayu and Vishnu puranas. His father's name is said to be Sangata which has to be clarified.

Salisuka ruled Mauryan empire from 215 B.C. to 202 B.C (1333 to 1320 BCE asper new translations). A section of Gargi Samhita called as Yuga Purana mentions him as wicked, cruel, quarrelsome, unrighteous ruler, he is also called as being of righteous words but unrighteous conduct because of his patronage to Jainism. Acccording to Puranas, he was succeeded by "Devavarman" or "Devadharman" or "Somasarman."

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