

Facts about what Sikhs believe and Sikh culture

Sikhism-A Monotheistic Religion
“Before becoming a Sikh, a Muslim, a Hindu or a Christian, lets become a human first.”

-Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Here are some facts about what Sikhs believe and Sikh culture.

facts about what Sikhs believe and Sikh culture

* Sikhs believe everyone, men and women, has equal status before God, who created the universe and all faiths. Human beings are encouraged to develop their moral character through generosity, humility and self-reliance.

* Sikh means “seeker of knowledge” in Punjabi, the language of India’s Punjab region and of Sikhism’s holy books.
facts about what Sikhs believe and Sikh culture
* Sikhism was divinely revealed to its first guru, or prophet, Guru Nanak, who died in 1539. Nine gurus followed him, the last of which, Guru Gobind Singh. Sikhs keep their hair uncut, or natural, as a sign of living in harmony with God. Men — and some women — cover their hair with turbans as a mark of their faith. Boys start wearing a patka over their hair when it is long enough to tie into a topknot.
* The kara is a steel bracelet worn by Sikhs to remind them of the unity of God. The kirpan is a ceremonial dagger (though not a weapon) that is meant to remind Sikhs of the duty to fight injustice.

* The Sikh place of worship is known as a gurdwara, and it is where the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib is kept, though copies are also found in Sikh homes. In a gurdwara, all remove their shoes, and women cover their heads.

* The central Sikh shrine is the Harmandir Sahib in Amritsar, India, which is also known as the Golden Temple.

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