

Rama Varma Kulashekhara - First Indian King Who Converted To Islam

Rama Varma Kulashekhar a - First Indian King Who Converted To Islam
Rama Varman Kulashekhara is the last known ruler of the later Chera empire or Kulashekhara dynasty. He probably ruled between 1090 - 1102 A.D. He ascended the throne by succeeding Ravi Rama Varma.

War with Cholas:

When Rama Varman Kulasekhara ascended the throne, there was severe political crisis and instability. Probably around 1096 A.D., the Chola monarch Kulothunga captured the southern city of Kollam. A war broke out between Chera and Chola kingdoms. The capital city of Cheras, Mahodayapuram and surrounding places were brutally burned and destroyed by the Chola army. After the Cholas destroyed Mahodayapuram, Rama Varma Kulasekhara shifted his capital to Kollam. With out having a palace of his own, he stayed in a simple and plain accomodations in Kollam. He moved his base of operations to Quilon. He saved Kollam from Cholas and marched against Cholas ahead of a large army. A tribe called Nairs fought on the side of Rama Varma Kulasekhara, by forming suicide squads (Chavers) against the invading force.

It is not clear whether the Cheras themselves were Nairs or they employed the Nairs as a warrior class. The sanskrit Kerala Mahatmayam, an Upa Purana of the Bhoogola Purana, calls the Nairs the progeny of Namboodiri men with Deva, Rakshasa and Gandharva women.

These Nairs sustained heavy losses to the Chola army. This was the first blow to Chola imperialism in the region and ended the century long Chola domination in Chera country.

First Indian to accept Islam:

There was a strong trade relationship between Arabs and Malabar during the reign of Rama Varma Kulasekhara. Arab merchants were trading spices such as ginger, pepper and cardamom as well as things like swords, ivory and silk from Malabar. A sword from Malabar, an icon of the best blacksmith craftsmanship was a prestige symbol for Arabs. Cultural exchange was also taking place through Arab merchants.

The news of emergence of a Prophet Muhammad in Makkah had spread very fast in Malabar through Arab Merchants. When the moon was split in to two as a miracle from Prophet Muhammad, Many people inside and outside Arabian peninsula had witnessed it. Rama Varman Kulasekhara was said to be the king of Kerala at that time. He too saw the miracle when he was relaxing on the roof top of his palace. The king had come to know about Islam through Arab merchants. and became more curious to know about Prophet Muhammad and his religion after the moon splitting incident.

It was said that Rama Varman Kulasekhara met Prophet Muhammad. King Rama Varman Kulasekhara declared his conversion to Islam and adopted a new name, Thajuddin. Later he also performed Haj.

The topic of King converting to Islam was referred from the books "Muhammed Rasulullah" written by M. Hamidullah, "Malabar Manual" written by William Logan and "History of Kerala: An Introduction" written by Balakrishnapillai. Our team do not confirm anything on this topic.

 He was succeeded by his son Kotha Varma and his son ruled Chera empire with Kollam as his capital. The Rameswarathukoil inscription has most of the information about Rama Varma Kulasekhara.

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