

Vasudeva Kanva - Founder of Kanva Dynasty

Vasudeva Kanva - Founder of Kanva Dynasty
Vasudeva Kanva was the founder of Kanva dynasty. He ruled from 75 B.C.E to 66 B.C.E(918 to 879 BCE as per new translations). The arrival of regicide started with Pushyamitra Shunga in Indian history and Vasudeva Kanva continued that by killing his king Devabhuti Shunga, the last Shunga ruler. Vasudeva Kanva was the descendent of Kanvayana Brahmin family.

It was believed that the later Shunga kings after Pushyamitra Shunga, enjoyed little real power, and were puppets in the hands of their Brahman ministers, like the Mahratta rajas in the hands of the Peshwas.

According to Harshacharita which was written by Banabhatta, Vasudeva killed Devabhuti Shunga. Vasudeva was a minister ( Amatya ) in the royal court of last Shunga ruler Devabhuti Shunga. It was said that Vasudeva killed Devabhuti around 72 B.C.E with the help of daughter of a slave woman of Devabhuti who disguised him as his queen and killed him. After that Vasudeva established Kanva dynasty. According to Puranas it is most likely that Vasudeva ruled his kingdom with Girivraja as his capital.

At the time of Vasudeva's accession, the Shunga kingdom was already finished as the parts of Punjab were under the rule of Greeks and most parts of Gangetic planes were under the rule of different rulers. Vasudeva Kanva was succeeded by his son Bhumimitra. Vasudeva was one of the famous patrons of arts in Indian history. Kanva dynasty was later ruled by Bhumimitra Kanva, Narayana Kanva and Susarman.

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