

Kurukshetra War

Mahabharata, is one of the most important Hindu epics (another one being Ramayana), it tells about the life and deeds of several generations of a kingdom called the Kuru. The main part of the Mahabharata is an account of a war that took place between the Kauravas and Pandavas, for the throne of Hastinapura

Mahabharata, is one of the most important Hindu epics (another one being Ramayana), it tells about the life and deeds of several generations of a kingdom called the Kuru. The main part of the Mahabharata is an account of a war that took place between the Kauravas and Pandavas, for the throne of Hastinapura in an kingdom called Kuru, 2 rival families belonging to the Kuru kingdom. And this war is known as The Kurukshetra War, also called the Mahabharata War. Kurukshetra ("Land of the Kurus"), was the battleground on which this war was fought. Kurukshetra was also known as "Dharmakshetra" ("Land of Dharma"). Hence the war sometimes refered as "Dharmayudha".

The main reason which lead to the war was the dispute between the Kauravas and Pandavas.

The kuru kingdom originally belonged to Bhishma( son of Ganga & Santhana) as heir of Santhana. However, Bhishma give away the kingdom to Chitrangada and Vichitraveerya (sons of Satyavathi - second wife of Santhana), at the request of Dasraj father of Satyavathi.

Panduraj (father of Pandavas) inherited the kingdom after death of Chitrangada and Vichitraveerya. The kingdom after death of Panduraj should have gone to Pandavas. But when Panduraj died, all his sons (Yudhisthira, Bheema , Arjuna , Nakula and Sahadeva) were all minors. So, Bhishma made Dhritharashtra , a care taker king(as he was born blind & ineligible to rule kingdom). After, Yudhishtira had grown, Bhishma asked Dhritharashtra to make Yudhishtira the crown prince.

By now, Dhritharashtra eyed on the kingdom and was not interested to hand over the kingdom to Pandavas. Instead, he wanted to make Duryodhana as the crown prince. As this move was not legal, he dodged making Yudgishtira the crown prince. Sensing this, to appease Dhritharastra,  it was proposed to atleast partition the kingdom equally between Pandavas and Kauravas( 100 sons of Dhritharashtra).

Duryodhana reluctantly parted with barren land (forest area) as share of Pandavas. However , Pandavas worked hard and made the forest area into a fertile land by their intelligence and sheer hard work. Inspite of parting with only barren and forest land as Pandava's share , the Pandavas becoming popular among public,  in addition to becoming well off in short span of time, became an eyesore to Duryodhana. So, he connived with his maternal uncle Sakuni and enticed Yudhisthira to play game of dice with stakes. 

In the dice game, adopting cheating techniques, Sakuni defeated Yudhishtira and deprived them of their portion of the kingdom and also sent them to live in forests for 12 years , followed by 1year life  in exile.

If Pandavas successfully complete 13 years,  then their half kingdom would be returned by Duryodhana. In case, Pandavas fail to complete the 1year exile portion , they had to  return to forests again and repeat 12 years life in forest and 1 year exile life afresh. This was the condtion of agreement in the game of dice with stakes between Pandavas and Kauravas.

However, Pandavas successfully completed (12+1) years of  boycotted life from kingdom. Pandavas then asked Dhritharashtra /Duryodhana  to return their half kingdom after 13 years.

Dhritharashtra did not yield to part with kingdom in deference to the wishes of Duryodhana and  instead sent word through Sanjaya (Minister under Dhritharastra) that , Pandavas could eke out their living by resorting to begging .

Pandavas proposed to Dhritharashtra to part with atleast 5 villages,  as a last resort compromise and to avoid war,  if parting with half of kingdom to Pandavas was not acceptable to Duryodhana. But Duryodhana  rejected to offer even an inch of land to Pandavas.

Instead, he said, let Pandavas  fight a war with Kauravas and win their half  kingdom. So, he said, a precondition to give any thing to Pandavas was their victory in war. Duryodhana thus incited Pandavas for a direct war. Duryodhana strongly believed at that time that in a direct fight, his side (Kauravas side ) would win by virtue of sheer majority of army with him.

When the war was declared and the two armies were facing each other, Arjuna realized that he would have to kill his dear great-granduncle (Bhishma), on whose lap he had played as a child and his respected teacher (Drona), who had held his hand and taught him how to hold the bow and arrow, making him the greatest archer in the world. Arjuna felt weak and sickened at the prospect of killing his entire family, including his 100 cousins and friends such as Ashwatthama. Despondent and confused about what is right and what is wrong, Arjuna turned to Krishna for divine advice and teachings. Krishna, who Arjuna chose as his charioteer, advised him of his duty. This conversation forms the Bhagavad Gita, one of the most respected religious and philosophical texts in the Hindu religion. Krishna instructs Arjuna not to yield to degrading impotence and to fight his kin, for that was the only way to righteousness. He also reminded him that this was a war between dharma and adharma, and it was Arjuna's duty to slay anyone who supported the cause of adharma, or sin.
Arjuna turned to Krishna for divine advice and teachings. Krishna, who Arjuna chose as his charioteer, advised him of his duty. This conversation forms the Bhagavad Gita, one of the most respected religious and philosophical texts in the Hindu religion.

War Rules:
The two supreme commanders met and framed "rules of ethical conduct", dharmayuddha, for the war. The rules included:

>Fighting must begin after the sunrise and end exactly at sunset.
>No more than one warriors may attack a single warrior.
>Two warriors may engage in prolonged personal combat, only if they carry the same weapons and they are on the same type of mount (on foot, on a horse, on an elephant, or in a chariot).
>No warrior may kill or injure a warrior who has surrendered.
>One who surrenders becomes a prisoner of war and will then be subject to the protections of a prisoner of war.
>No warrior may kill or injure an unarmed warrior.
>No warrior may kill or injure an unconscious warrior.
>No warrior may kill or injure a person or animal not taking part in the war.
>No warrior may kill or injure a warrior whose back is turned away.
>No warrior may attack a woman.
>No warrior may strike an animal not considered a direct threat.
>The rules specific to each weapon must be followed.
>Warriors may not engage in any unfair warfare.

Kurukshetra War was fought fo 18 days as described in Mahabaratha.

Day 1

Before the battle began, Yudhishthira did something unexpected. He suddenly dropped his weapons, took off his armour and started walking towards the Kaurava army with folded hands in prayer. The Pandava brothers and the Kauravas looked on in disbelief, thinking Yudhishthira was surrendering before the first arrow was shot. Yudhishthira's purpose became clear, however, when he fell on Bhishma's feet to seek his blessing for success in battle. Bhishma, grandfather to both the Pandavas and Kauravas, blessed Yudhishthira. Yudhishthira returned to his chariot and the battle was ready to commence.

The battle began with all of the Kaurava army, uncaring about their very lives, rushed with raised flags and standards against the Pandavas, and the Pandava army stood against them with cheering hearts, Bhima leading them. Duryodhana and his brothers surrounded Bhima, shooting arrows at him. Then Draupadi’s five sons with the twins Nakula and Sahadeva and Abhimanyu, Arjuna’s son, rushed against the Kaurava army, tearing them with their arrows.

On that first day Uttara, Virata's son –who was driven by Arjuna – was struck by Shalya, King of Madra, and was killed.

Dushasana fought Nakula, attempting to strike him with many an arrow, but Nakula cut down these arrows, the standard and the bow of his enemy.

Yudishtira fought Shalya, while Drishtadyumna sought Drona in battle.

The King of Panchala fought the King of Sind and the battle between them was fierce and terrible.

Day 2

On the second day the battle raged again, neither side prevailing over the other but the Kaurava forces lost many soldiers on this day.

Drishtadyumna fought it out with Drona and had to be rescued by Bhima.

Satyaki killed Bhishma’s charioteer, and the horses went out of control taking Bhishma off the battlefield.

Day 3

On the third day Bhishma arrayed his forces in the form of a great bird, an eagle, and the army of the Pandavas was counter-arrayed in the shape of a half-moon, with the right horn commanded by Bhima, Yudishtira holding the center, and Arjuna managing the left horn. All morning, the armies fought and none gave way.

In the afternoon, Bhishma, invoked celestial astras, and mowed down the Pandava army on all sides. Krishna urged Arjuna, saying, "The hour is come when you must hold to your promise to slaughter the Kaurava army and fight Bhishmaf. Behold, your army is being destroyed by him alone." He drove the chariot to where Bhishma's chariot stood. Beholding him advancing, the Pandava host rallied, while Bhishma covered the onrushing chariot with his arrows. Arjuna, took Gandiva and sent forth arrows that cut the grandsire's bow in two. As Bhishma seized and strung another, that too was cut down.

With a third bow Bhishma sent forth arrows against Arjuna. Krishna, with great skill, avoided them but many still struck him and Arjuna. Krishna saw that Bhishma's arrows were again slaughtering the Pandava army, while Arjuna was fighting mildly, out of respect for Bhishma.
Krishna dropped the reins, leaped from the chariot, and ran toward Bhishma, whirling his discus, eager to slay him. But Arjuna ran after him, and, throwing his arms at his feet, stopped him. "Stop, O Krishna! Remember your promise not to fight;

Afraid of the consequences, Krishna dropped the reins, leaped from the chariot, and ran toward Bhishma, whirling his discus, eager to slay him. But Arjuna ran after him, and, throwing his arms at his feet, stopped him. "Stop, O Krishna! Remember your promise not to fight; do not let men say you are a liar. I by my weapons, by the truth, by my own deeds, will destroy our foes. The task is mine." Hearing this, Krishna, angry still, mounted the car and took up the reins again.

Arjuna, drawing Gandiva summoned an astra and causing a river of blood from the Kaurava army. Every other sound was silenced by his bow. As the sun set the Kauravas withdrew, Bhishma and Drona with them, and the Pandavas triumphed that day.

Day 4

Abhimanyu is attacked by the Kauravas, and is aided by Arjuna, and Bhima with his mace. Duryodhana sends a huge force of elephants against him, which Bhima disperses. Finally, Bhima is struck by an arrow and has to rest a while. He however, kills eight of Duryodhana’s brothers by then.

Day 5-8

Every day Bhima slew six to ten of Duryodhana’s brothers, as per his oath during the gambling game. Therefore the Pandavas, though they often fought their cousins and struck them wounded, never slew them, so that Bhima could keep his promise. Several times he and Duryodhana fought, longing to kill each other, but they were equal neither prevailed. But Duryodhana, when he went each night to his tent, was overcome with grief, and wept for his brothers.

Day 9

Bhishma arrays the troops as a hollow square and wrecks much havoc upon the Pandava army. The exhausted Pandavas approach Bhishma at his camp at night, seeking his advice on how they may slay him. Bhishma tells them to use Shikhandi as a shield, for he would never raise his bow upon a woman.

Day 10

The Pandavas send Shikhandi against Bhishma, and Arjuna coming up behind him sends many arrows against Bhishma. Ten and ten more pierce Bhishma, who thought pierced by so many does not fall. Then the Pandavas surround Bhishma and driving off the Kauravas, pierce Bhishma with many an arrow until no space on his body greater than the breadth of two fingers remains to be seen.

Then Bhishma reeling under the pain falls, but his body does nottouch the ground and is held up by the arrow shafts. Both armies stop their battle in honor of the eldest of Bharatas and approach him seeking his advice. Arjuna gives him a pillow of three shafts to rest his head on and strikes the ground with a blazing arrow to provide him with a cool jet of sweet water.

Bhishma, with his power to choose the time of his death, seeks to stay alive till the sun turns to its northern run at the time of Uttarayana. Thus he lies there on his bed of arrows, waiting for the faithful moment.

Day 11-12

Karna enters the battle, thus far kept away by Bhishma. Drona is made the commander of the army, and Duryodhana asks him to capture Yudhisthara alive. Drona sets up the Trigarthas to draw away Arjuna from protecting his elder brother. However, towards the evening of both days, as Drona approaches Yudhisthara, the Pandava flees.

Day 13

Drona, deeply ashamed at failing in his mission, once again sets the Trigarthas to draw away Arjuna. He now sets up the indomitable Chakravyuha against the Pandava army. The Pandavas are at a loss to defend themselves since mong the Pandavas, only Arjuna knows how to break this array. However, Abhimanyu volunteers his services. But Abhimanyu knows only ow to break into the array and not how to break out. Yudhisthara and Bhima assure him that they will follow him closely to ensure that the gates of the formation stay open.

Abhimanyu sets out with the Pandavas following him, but inside the complex array, he is separated from the Pandavas by Jayadratha, who blocks the Pandavas from entering. Abhimanyu continues to the center, wrecking havoc upon the Kaurava army, until faced in an unfair battle by many Kaurava warriors including Drona, Karna, Ashwattama and three others, loses his chariot, horses, weapons and charioteer. He is slain by Dushasana’s son.

That night, Arjuna hears of the dastardly murder of his son, and vows to revenge himself upon Jayadratha. If he fails to slay him by sundown, he vows to immolate himself.

Day 14

Realizing that Arjuna will kill himself if only they protect Jayadratha from him till sundown, the Kauravas rally around the king and keep Arjuna at bay. Drona challenges Arjuna to distract him and they fight relentlessly, without managing to kill the other. Krishna, anxious that Arjuna's vow should be kept, drives the chariot forward, leaving Drona behind. Karna, Drona, Ashwattama and Duryodhana, all surround Arjuna to keep him from Jayadratha. The fearful fight raged till the sun approached the western hills. Krishna said to Arjuna, "You cannot kill Jayadratha till you have slain these warriors. I shall eclipse the sun in darkness so that they will think it has set and be less careful." Through his divine power, he eclipses the son, creating darkness and deceiving the Kauravas, who part way, thinking Arjuna must now take his life. But Arjuna fixes an astra and taking aim at Jayadratha, lets it loose. Jayadratha’s head is severed just as the eclipse ends and the sun begins to shine again. Seeing that they were deceived, the Kauravas weep in sorrow and anger.

Duryodhana, distraught, orders his army to fight through the night, and the two hosts lighting torches, continue their battle. But so tired are they that men are killed while they fell asleep, and many were killed by their friends in a daze. During this time, Gathokacha, the rakshasa son of Bhima wrecks havoc among the Kaurava, until he is felled by the Shakti, a weapon given to Karna by Indra. Karna was planning to use the Shakti against Arjuna However, Duryodhana, desperate to end Gathokacha’s carnage pleads with Karna to use it. Now Karna loses the weapon since it can be used only once and returns to Indra.

Then the two armies take a break and call a truce till the moon rises and rest upon the battlefield.

Day 15

The battle continues through moonrise and sunrise, when Drona begins to slaughter the Pandava army. Arjuna and Drona meet in a fierce battle but no side can prevail. Drona then fights both Virata and Drupada, killing them both. Seeing that no one can slay this fierce warrior, Krishna advices that they use deceit to kill him. Yudhisthara reluctantly agrees and Bhima is odered to kill an elephant named Ashwattaman, the “horse-voiced.”

Then when he is near Drona, he announces loudly, “I have killed Ashwattaman.” Drona’s legs turn to water, but he cannot believe that a mighty warrior like Ashwattama could be killed by Bhima. So he turns to Yudhisthara and asks him, “Is this true?” Yudhisthara, the ever-truthful replies in the affirmative. Drona is distraught. Overcome, he drops his weapons and goes into meditation to leave is body. Dristhadyumna in his rage rushes to the chariot and takes his head off while he is sitting in meditation.

Ashwattama enraged by his father’s death, let’s loose the Narayanastra against the Pandava army. Krishna tells everyone to lay down their weapons and lie on the ground, since this is the only way the weapon can be made harmless.

Kunti requests Karna to join the side of the Pandavas, telling him that he is her eldest son. But Karna says he will spare all the Pandavas, except Arjuna.

Day 16

Shalya is made charioteer of Karna, much to his dismay because though Karna matches Arjuna in archery, only Shalya can match Krishna as a charioteer.

Day 17

Bhima fights Dushasana and kills him, drinking his blood and taking it in his hands to drape across Draupadi’s hair.

Karna wounds Yudhisthara sorely, who leaves the battlefield to rest. Hearing this, Arjuna goes to his tent to see how he is. Yudhisthara however, in pain and anger, insults Arjuna, thinking that he has run from Karna. In shame and anger, Arjuna draws his sword against Yudhisthara, and has to be pacified by Krishna. Ashamed at their reckless acts and words, the two brothers seek each other’s forgiveness.

Karna and Arjuna battle each other in a ferocious fight, until Parashurama’s curse comes true and Karna’s chariot wheel sinks to the ground. As he gets down to remove the wheel, Krishna urges Arjuna to take his bow and slay Karna, as there would not be another chance to do so. Arjuna takes aim at Karna, and Karna is about to retaliate, taking up his bow. However, the other curse of Parashurama comes true and he forgets his astra mantras, and is slain by Arjuna.

Day 18

Shalya is made the commander of the Kauravas and battles and is killed by Yudhisthara. Shakuni is killed by Sahadeva. No one of the Kaurava army except Ashwattama, Duryodhana and Kripacharya and Kritavarma survive the war. Enraged by his loss, Duryodhana heads to a lake to cool down his body, which has become hot with anger.

Krishna takes the Pandavas to the lake and Bhima taunts Duryodhana out of it. As they fight a mace battle, Duryodhana is invincible because of his mother Gandhari’s boon that his body is impenetrable. However, his thighs are vulnerable, and Bhima’s strike’s Duryodhana’s thigh, felling him. In great  pain, Duryodhana is left to die by the Pandavas.

At the end of the 18th day, only twelve major warriors survived the war—the five Pandavas, Krishna, Satyaki, Ashwatthama, Kripacharya, Yuyutsu, Vrishakethu, and Kritvarma. 

After the War 
Yudhishthira was crowned king of Hastinapur. After ruling for 36 years, he renounced the throne, passing the title on to Arjuna's grandson, Parikshit. He then left for the Himalayas with Draupadi and his brothers. Draupadi and four Pandavas - Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva died during the journey. Yudhishthira, the lone survivor and being of pious heart, was invited by Dharma to enter the heavens as a mortal.

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